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Sectigo EV Code Signing Certificate

Assert maximum publisher identity, gain a boost from Microsoft SmartScreen with Sectigo EV Code Signing.

The Sectigo Extended Validation Code Signing certificate is the ultimate way to sign your scripts and executables. Assert maximum publisher identity thanks to the extensive validation performed by Sectigo before issuance. Not only will your downloads avoid being flagged by browsers and antivirus programs, they’ll also get a reputational boost from the Microsoft SmartScreen filter. There’s no other way to achieve this, making it a near-necessity for upstart software developers.

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Note: In March 2024, Microsoft changed the way MS SmartScreen interacts with EV Code Signing certificates. EV Code Signing certificates remain the highest trust certificates available, but they no longer instantly remove SmartScreen warnings.

Sectigo EVSectigo CA logo Sectigo Extended Validation Code Signing certificate

Assert Maximum Identity

Sectigo EV Code Signing certificates require an individual or organization undergo an extensive validation process. In turn, every digital signature made by your signing certificate will assert maximum identity, easily avoiding browser warnings and antivirus notifications.

Private Key Security

Securely store your private key in a CA/B Forum compliant HSM or USB token to prevent against key compromise.

Gain Reputation with Micrsoft SmartScreen

the Microsoft SmartScreen filter is notoriously finnicky, it deals in reputation scores and for new developers, it can be difficult to gain sufficient reputation to avoid having your downloads flagged as potentially suspicious. EV Code Signing certificates can help with this by providing a reputational boost with the SmartScreen filter.

Ensure Software Integrity

While Code Signing won’t prevent someone from altering or modifying your script or executable, it will notify everyone that it’s occurred. That’s thanks to the hashing that occurs during the signing process. Even the smallest tweak, a single byte, would be immediately known.

Installation & Technical Support

How to Complete Code Signing Certificate Validation

Get a comprehensive guide to validating your code signing certificate — just follow these simple steps to complete the validation process for this product.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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