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The Ultimate Level of Enterprise Security Control
—Without the Hassle

Sectigo Private PKI lets you operate your own private certificate authority to give you tighter control of enterprise-wide authentication. The ability to issue private certificates using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) gives you the power to protect and manage all your internal devices and applications, keeping them securely isolated from the outside world. Cover your web servers, mobile devices, IoT devices, and DevOps and cloud applications with Sectigo PKI solutions.

Sectigo Private PKI is a reliable, easy-to-deploy managed PKI platform. It's designed to eliminate the burdens associated with running an internal CA and protect your entire network:

  • Issue all types of private certificates for every device across your enterprise
  • No need to deploy and manage your own separate server and CA
  • If you've previously setup a private CA, Sectigo Private PKI can manage and expand it
  • Making the issuance, installation, renewal, and replacement of certificates a quick, reliable, and scalable process
Sectigo Private PKI

Cut costs, save time, better utilize your resources, and reduce the risks of attacks with enhanced security. With fully automated features that adhere to corporate and industry standards, Sectigo Private PKI is the clear choice for your business.

Complement Your Microsoft CA

Whether you have an existing internal CA or not, Sectigo Private PKI provides your organization with an effective solution for enterprise-wide PKI management.

If you're already using Microsoft CA, then Sectigo Private PKI can augment and seamlessly integrate with your current system to protect the non-Windows devices on your networks. If you don't already have a private CA, you won't need to set one up—Sectigo Private PKI will take care of everything for you.

Either way, Sectigo Private PKI enables you to create and manage an internal CA without the usual headaches and cost associated with it. Sectigo Private PKI takes care of the following tasks for you, tasks that would normally cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and take months to complete on your own:

security standards
and policies

Performing backups
and storing them in a
secure location

Ensuring a secure
facility for your private
CA's hardware

Creating and managing
a central repository of
keys and certificates

Implementing a 2nd
redundant system in
case of an outage

Creating a disaster
recovery plan in case
of a catastrophic event

Performing audits to
ensure ongoing
security & compliance

Witnessing and
documenting the
creation of the root key

Comprehensive Device & Application Protection

Sectigo Private PKI is the most powerful platform for issuing digital certificates across your enterprise. It combines with Sectigo Certificate Manager to create a simple and cost-effective solution that can deploy public and private certificates on all of your devices and applications:

Device & Application Protection

Easily Manage Your Private CA with Sectigo Certificate Manager

Sectigo Certificate Manager reduces the load on your IT team and makes managing your private CA a simple and straightforward process. Control the security of the users, devices, and applications across your enterprise with key features such as:

Certificate Discovery
Certificate Discovery

In-depth scanning finds all certificates across your networks, regardless of the CA, and lets you monitor them in real time. You'll see the issuing CA, expiration date, signature algorithm, and ciphers.

Full Lifecycle Management
Full Lifecycle Management

Avoid costly downtime to business-critical systems by automating the installation and renewal of your certificates. You can also revoke certificates with a single click to control access in case of personnel changes.

Easy Provisioning
Easy Provisioning

Configure programs and policies once, then push them to all users, devices, and applications. SCM supports the most common automation standards such as ACME, EST, SCEP, and Microsoft CA's proxy agent.

Enhanced Reporting
Enhanced Reporting

View the status of your certificates on a single dashboard, maximizing visibility and minimizing unpleasant surprises. All the information you need is right at your fingertips, only a few clicks away.

Secure Key Storage
Secure Key Storage

The protection of private keys is critical, and SCM stores them in the end point's trusted key storage, including Windows 10 Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), Apple's Secure Enclave, or Sectigo's secure certificate storage.

Custom Access Control
Custom Access Control

Your team members will have different access needs depending on their role. Highly customizable access controls make it easy to give the right capabilities to the right people and result in increased efficiency.

Schedule a Free Consultation Now

Have more questions? Want to discuss your certificate needs, the current state of your certificates, and the challenges you're facing?

Schedule a free consultation now and talk to expert team to see how Sectigo Private PKI can benefit your enterprise. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

Why Choose Us?

We Offer the Most Trusted Brands

We Offer the Most
Trusted Brands


Streamlined SSL Support
(24 Hours/7 Days/365 Year)

Money Back Guarantee

A 30 Day Money Back

SSL Tools

Unlimited SSL

SSL Experts

Excellent SSL

Our certs are supported on 99.9% of web browsers, iPhones & mobile devices