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Sectigo Wildcard SSL Certificates

Encrypt your domain and all its first-level sub-domains

Encrypting a website and its sub-domains individually would be expensive and take a lot of time and effort to manage. Fortunately, there are Wildcards. A Sectigo Wildcard SSL certificate can encrypt a single domain and all of its first-level sub-domains on a single certificate. That’s going to lighten your load considerably, and it’s also going to help your bottom line.

Lowest Price
PositiveSSL Wildcard (DV)
EssentialSSL Wildcard (DV)
PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Wildcard (DV)
Sectigo SSL Wildcard Certificate (DV)
Sectigo OV Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate
InstantSSL Premium Wildcard (OV)
Sectigo OV UCC Wildcard SSL Certificate
EnterpriseSSL Pro Wildcard
Sectigo OV Wildcard SSL

Top Sellers

Sectigo Wildcard SSL

Sectigo Wildcard SSL provides DV encryption to one domain and unlimited accompanying subdomains.

Sectigo Wildcard SSL certificates provide lighting fast 256-bit encryption to one domain and all its subdomains.

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Important! To ensure the most up-to-date security that meets the latest browser requirements, you'll need to re-issue your certificate (at no cost to you) once per year. Don't worry, we'll send you an email reminder 30 days in advance! Details

In order to provide you the lowest cost per year, we now offer 2-6 year certificate packages.

To comply with the latest security requirements, you'll need to re-issue the certificate once per year. Don't worry, we'll send you email notifications starting 30 days before it's time to update your certificate! Just follow the instructions in the email to revalidate your domain and reissue the updated certificate.

Have questions? Our customer experience team is available 24/7 to assist you with this process. The 30 day money back guarantee applies to the original purchase date.

PositiveSSL Wildcard

Industry-standard encryption for your domain and all of its sub-domains.

The Positive SSL Wildcard offers entry-level, industry-standard encryption for one domain and all associated sub-domains.

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Important! To ensure the most up-to-date security that meets the latest browser requirements, you'll need to re-issue your certificate (at no cost to you) once per year. Don't worry, we'll send you an email reminder 30 days in advance! Details

In order to provide you the lowest cost per year, we now offer 2-6 year certificate packages.

To comply with the latest security requirements, you'll need to re-issue the certificate once per year. Don't worry, we'll send you email notifications starting 30 days before it's time to update your certificate! Just follow the instructions in the email to revalidate your domain and reissue the updated certificate.

Have questions? Our customer experience team is available 24/7 to assist you with this process. The 30 day money back guarantee applies to the original purchase date.

Sectigo OV Wildcard SSL

The Sectigo SSL OV Wildcard is a favorite of corporations and enterprises the world over. Not only is it a Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA) product, but it's also a perfect fit for any organization looking to make connections behind a firewall or within their own network, while still requiring organization authentication.

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Important! To ensure the most up-to-date security that meets the latest browser requirements, you'll need to re-issue your certificate (at no cost to you) once per year. Don't worry, we'll send you an email reminder 30 days in advance! Details

In order to provide you the lowest cost per year, we now offer 2-6 year certificate packages.

To comply with the latest security requirements, you'll need to re-issue the certificate once per year. Don't worry, we'll send you email notifications starting 30 days before it's time to update your certificate! Just follow the instructions in the email to revalidate your domain and reissue the updated certificate.

Have questions? Our customer experience team is available 24/7 to assist you with this process. The 30 day money back guarantee applies to the original purchase date.

Other Wildcard Certificates

  • InstantSSL Premium Wildcard

  • Essential SSL Wildcard

  • PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Wildcard

  • Sectigo OV UCC Wildcard SSL Certificate

  • Sectigo OV Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate

  • Enterprise SSL Pro Wildcard

Encrypting unlimited subdomains with a single Wildcard Certificate

Most people never give much thought to URL structure, but it’s important to understand the basics to learn how a Wildcard SSL works. This is a URL:

Alternate Text
  • Domain – This is the website’s hostname. If you can identify the domain, you’ll know what website you’re on.
  • Top-Level Domain – The portion at the root of the URL indicates either the country of origin or a generic top-level domain (.com, .org, .edu)
  • Page – This is the path of the specific page you’re on.
  • Subdomain – The subdomain is in front of the domain and can host its own apps or services. For example, www.domain.com and blog.domain.com are separate sub-domains.

What are subdomains used for?

There’s no limit to how you can use subdomains for mail servers, FTP servers, members areas, and more. Each subdomain often functions as an independent website, and because of this, it used to be challenging to secure each subdomain. While regular SSL certificates encrypt the primary domain, only a Wildcard certificate can encrypt everything under a single certificate.

How does a Wildcard SSL Certificate work?

Ordering and installing a Wildcard SSL certificate isn't all that different from any other certificate. The key distinction is that when you create the Certificate Signing Request, you place an asterisk at the subdomain level.


This will signify that you want to encrypt any sub-domains that reside on this level of your URL.

Wildcards are Futureproof

Perhaps the best part of the Wildcard certificate – outside of its ability to encrypt your subdomains on the same certificate as your hostname – is that it grows with your organization. If you ever add a subdomain, simply tweak your server configuration to include encryption without purchasing a new certificate. Wildcard SSL certificates are scalable to your needs, providing both flexibility and convenience for evolving needs.

A Wildcard SSL Changes Everything

Ask anyone that has ever had to manage more than a handful of certificates and they'll tell you what a pain it is. But it doesn't need to be. Wildcard SSL certificates help you consolidate certificates, easy administrative burdens and they save you money. And who doesn’t like saving money?

Why Sectigo

Why Choose Us?

- We Offer the Most Trusted Brands

- Streamlined SSL Support (24 Hours/7 Days/365 Year)

- Excellent SSL Experts

- Unlimited SSL Tools

- A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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Our certs are supported on 99.9% of web browsers, iPhones & mobile devices

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