SSL Certificate for IP Address

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SSL Certificate for IP Address

Can an SSL Certificate Be Issued For an IP Address?  

The answer is ‘Yes.’ An SSL certificate can be issued for a public IP address. 

These are the rules and requirements to get an SSL certificate for an IP address: 

  • SSL can be issued for a public IP address.  
  • Your organization must control that particular IP address. 
  • A certificate authority must be able to verify your control of the IP address through file authentication (you’ll need to upload a specified file to be accessible via HTTP/HTTPS).
  • You must control the entire IP address, not just a specified port. 
  • You can put an IP address in the Common Name (CN) or a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field (if you have chosen a multi-domain SSL). 
  • All versions of Windows will support the SSL if you specify the IP address as the Common Name (CN). Windows 8.1 and earlier versions will not support the SSL certificate if you specify an IP address as a Subject Alternative Name (SAN). 
 Common Name (CN) Subject Alternative Name (SAN) 
Windows 8.1 and earlier  Yes No
Windows 10   Yes Yes
  • An SSL certificate can’t be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. 
  • Extended Validated (EV) SSL are not permitted to be issued for an IP address.  

Can I Get an SSL for Private IP? 

No. Since 2016, the CA/Browser Forum made SSL certificates for private IP/reserved IP and local server name with a non-public domain name suffix invalid and asked certificate authorities to revoke any such SSL certificates. Because such reserved IP addresses and local server names (intranet) are not unique, they are easy to impersonate by attackers to commit man-in-the-middle attacks and get unauthorized access to the data. Hence, publicly trusted certificate authorities can no longer secure such IPs. You can get a self-signed SSL certificate for private IPs and intranet addresses, though. 

Get SSL for IP Address for $33.69/Year Only

Popular SSL Certificates for Public IP Addresses.  

Name Warranty Domain Coverage Price  
Instant SSL$50K Single Domain $33.69/yr. More Info 
InstantSSL Pro  $100K Single Domain $48.11/yr. More Info 
Sectigo OV SSL  $1MM Single Domain  $87.50/yr. More Info  
EnterpriseSSL Certificate  $1.5MM Single Domain $287.79/yr. More Info  
Sectigo OV SSL Multi-Domain/UCC $1MM Multiple Domains $149/yr. More Info