Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA

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Since you’re here, it’s likely that you’ve seen the term “Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA” before and want to know what that entails. You’ve probably seen this when you’ve looked at the certificate details in your browser — something like this:

Certificate Details

You also might have seen one of the following texts in front of “issued by” when you clicked on the website’s padlock sign to check its SSL certificate

  • Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
  • Sectigo RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
  • Sectigo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA

In this article, we cover everything that you need to know about Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA.

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What is Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA?

Let’s breakdown the “Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA” into three individual pieces — i.e.,


“RSA,” and

“Domain Validation”

— to understand each term’s meaning more clearly.


In October 2018, Comodo CA, a certificate authority, was acquired by Francisco Partners. They have since rebranded Comodo CA as Sectigo. This means that all the Comodo CA digital certificates, including its sub-brands — EssentialSSL, PositiveSSL, InstantSSL, and EnterpriseSSL — are sold by Sectigo now. Comodo CA is the market leader in the cyber security industry for more than two decades. Now, the same legacy is carried forward by Sectigo. 

If you click on the padlock sign in your web address bar, you can see that the certificate signing authority is now listed as Sectigo. This is true for all SSL/TLS certificates that were previously issued under the Comodo CA brand.

Sectigo RSA Domain Validated Secure Server


RSA is a hashing algorithm. If the SSL certificate has mentioned “RSA,” it means it has used the RSA algorithm to encrypt its signature keys. The 2040-bit RSA key size is widely used in all the SSL certificates.

There is now a newer, lighter, and faster type of algorithm named elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). When you generate the certificate signing request (CSR) code, you’ll be given the option to use ECC if your SSL certificate supports ECC.

Most of the SSL certificates available on support the latest ECC algorithm. Make sure you check the product description to confirm whether it supports ECC.

sectigo ssl certificate

Domain Validation

This part indicates that the website is using a domain validation (DV) SSL certificate.

SSL certificates can be classified into three main categories as per their validation level:

  • domain validation,
  • organization validation (OV), and
  • extended validation (EV).

Domain validation is the easiest, quickest, and least expensive verification method. Here, the certificate authority verifies the domain ownership of the applicant before issuing an SSL certificate to a website. If the site is using Sectigo’s DV SSL certificate, you will see the following text in front of “issued by” row: Sectigo RSA Domain Validated Secure Server CA.

Organization validation (OV) and extended validation (EV) are high-end SSL certificates made for business organizations and eCommerce sites.

You would see one of the following details in front of the “Issued by” field in the certificate information window if the website is using an OV or EV SSL certificate:

  • Sectigo RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
  • Sectigo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA

Where Can I Get a Sectigo RSA Certificate?

You can get Sectigo’s digital certificates directly from Sectigo or from a platinum partner like Please note that if you buy a Sectigo certificate from the partner’s website, you can avail the benefits of massive discounts. For example, we provide the PositiveSSL domain validated certificate for only $8.78/year, which is almost 80% lower than its retail price.  

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