Compare SSL Certificates

What Is an EV SSL Certificate?

Diving into “what is an EV SSL certificate?” to ensure you find the right extended validation SSL/TLS certificate option for your organization! From a technical perspective, SSL/TLS certificates accomplish the same thing: they secure communication between a browser and server using an HTTPS connection. However, some SSL certificates, like extended validation (EV) SSL certificates, most commonly called EV SSL/TLS certificates, enable greater digital identity verification and additional features. So, how do you choose the right EV SSL/TLS certificate for your organization? You must consider several factors, including: Let’s look under Continue Reading

Wildcard SSL vs Standard SSL: What’s The Difference?

Ensure you find the right SSL option for you by understanding wildcard SSL vs standard SSL… In the world of SSL certificates, where there seems to be endless types, brands, validation levels, CAs and so on, it’s easy to feel lost or confused. But don’t worry, we got your back! We assume you’re here because you’re deciding between wildcard SSL vs standard SSL. These two SSL certificates help satisfy different needs. They both secure an HTTPS connection, but they don’t secure the same number of domains or type of domains. Continue Reading

How Do I Get & Use a WordPress Multisite SSL Certificate on My Site?

We’ve got the scoop with everything you need to know about SSL multisite solutions for WordPress platform users You may not realize this, but a “WordPress multisite SSL certificate” doesn’t actually exist — it’s just a multi-domain SSL certificate that’s used on a WordPress website. So, in a way, a WordPress multisite SSL certificate is just the synonym of a WordPress multi-domain SSL certificate. This is because a WordPress multisite refers to a network of WordPress sites that you can access through the same WordPress account dashboard; the sites typically Continue Reading

Digital Signature vs Digital Certificate — A Look at the Differences

We’ll break down the differences between a digital certificate vs signature and how each plays a role in cybersecurity If you’re not sure how to recognize a digital signature vs a digital certificate, then don’t worry, you’re in the right place. The digital signature and digital certificate are both the fundamental concepts within the realm of cybersecurity. There is a fundamental difference between a digital certificate vs. a signature. Digital certificates are all X.509 certificates that are issued by one or more publicly trusted certificate authorities (CAs). On the other Continue Reading

Self Signed Certificate vs CA Certificate — The Differences Explained

One type of certificate is meant for internal use and the other can be used on external sites — do you know the difference? Your website is an integral part of your business, and you must not take any risks when it comes to its security. If you’re searching for the best SSL/TLS certificate for your website and have come across the option of a self-signed certificate, you should know everything about it and how it differs from its alternative solution, i.e., a CA-signed certificate. CA Certificate Vs Certificate The Continue Reading

The 5 Best SSL Certificates of 2025

Explore everything you need to know about the best SSL certificates — their prices, technical features, warranties, domain coverage, and validation levels! In today’s digital era, a website is an integral part of any business’s success. That’s why a sincere business owner chooses only the best for their site. This can include having the best domain name, tools, plugins, designs, hosting, and of course, the best SSL certificate! An SSL certificate is an essential part of a website’s security posture. It asserts organizational identity and enables data encryption while the Continue Reading

A CA Signed Certificate — Features, Technical Specifications and More

What is a CA signed certificate, why is it trusted, and how do you choose the best one for your site?  All the digital certificates that are signed by a publicly trusted certificate authority (CA) are considered to be CA signed certificates. Although the term “CA singed certificate” is frequently used to describe an SSL/TLS certificate, it also includes other types of X.509 digital certificates such as code signing certificates, email signing certificates, and document signing certificates. A CA signed certificate is trusted by all the browsers, email clients, and operating systems.   In this article, we’ll answer why the CA signed certificates are considered safe and how to choose the most suitable certificate Continue Reading

A Standard SSL Certificate — 7 Things to Know

Think you know everything about standard SSL certificates? Let’s see if you’re right If you are searching for an SSL certificate, you might have heard the word “Standard SSL.” If you are wondering what this so-called standard SSL certificate is and whether it would be suitable for your website, you’ve arrived on the right article. A standard SSL certificate is a server certificate that comes with a minimum level of validation. Although it uses the same level of technology to secure the communication, a standard SSL certificate doesn’t provide in-depth Continue Reading

DreamHost SSL — A Certificate Buying & Installation Guide

5 easy steps to buy and install a DreamHost SSL certificate on your server DreamHost is one of the most popular hosting service providers in the industry. If you’re hosting your website on it and need some guidance on how to gett a DreamHost SSL certificate, you’ve come to the right place. First of all, DreamHost doesn’t have their own SSL certificates because they’re not a certificate authority (CA) — hence, they’re not allowed to issue an SSL certificate to any website. Thus, there is no certificate literally named a Continue Reading

Is It Possible to Get a Free EV SSL Certificate for an Ecommerce Site?

Get the scoop on free EV SSL certificates and what alternatives you can consider for your ecommerce site Looking for free EV SSL certificates? Sorry to disappoint you, but they don’t exist. That’s because extended validated (EV) SSL certificates are premium business validated certificates — and as you likely know, no premium things in life are free (especially not in the world of technology)! All free software, plugins, themes, apps, and media channels have premium versions, i.e., some high-ended facilities or features that are available only to paid members. It’s Continue Reading